Grace McBrien Psychotherapy

About psychotherapy

A psychotherapist has completed an extensive training. In my case over five years of academic study combined with over ten years of personal development. I hold dear the principles of:

  • You are doing the best you can (unconditional positive regard)
  • The greatest level of acceptance and understanding (empathy)
  • Genuineness (congruence)

Psychotherapy allows you space and time to think about how things have come to be.  

I am skilled at being able to get to the core issues without making you feel ashamed or overwhelmed with guilt.

I help you trust and understand yourself. Help you to acknowledge, work through and tolerate difficult feelings. Difficult feelings can be useful for creating awareness and understanding about what needs to change.

Who I work with

Children aged nine and above, adults, couples and families.

  • Who can understand, why seeing me might be helpful and wish to work with me.
  • Can identify some aspect of dissatisfaction and wish to explore this with support, appropriate challenge and a belief in you.

How I work

Psychotherapy begins with a fifty-minute consultation. The consultation allows us to establish whether we wish to work together. It helps us to defines our responsibilities in working together, allowing you to be explicit about your expectations and goals.  It allows me to gain a sense of your commitment and motivation for the work and explore short-term, or longer-term psychotherapy options. The privacy policy on this website is important for you to read, but will also be covered in our consultation.

I offer sessions in my therapy practice and via telecommunication applications.