Grace McBrien Psychotherapy

Systemic family psychotherapy

Families come to psychotherapy when they have stopped understanding each other, do not agree about what the difficulty or problem is, or cannot talk about what is going on. Communications are fraught with tension, individuals feel upset and frustrated.

In family therapy you are helped to understand the feelings of others while having your own experience understood. Strengths will be acknowledged. Assumptions will be challenged and replaced with more helpful ways of being with each other.

You learn how to co-operating as individuals within a group, harnessing the problem-solving abilities within yourselves. 

Together we think about who would find it useful to attend. The strengths of the family and create together effective strategies for managing the difficulties. I help you to implement and evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies. Leaving you feeing confident as a parent, able to enjoy time with and the company of your family. 

I have worked with families on:

  • Parental support, how and what are we responding to as parents?(Aligning parental styles and communication)
  • Understanding what we are trying to achieve as parents?
  • How to understand your child's thoughts and feelings and what they are telling you about what they need from you as a parent?
  • How to help children listen and co-operate within a family environment
  • On understanding and managing overwhelming feelings (anxieties, anger, aggression)


As an encouraging and reflective facilitator of the family story, I will help you to identify the resources and capabilities, within yourselves. Supporting you all to work together to solve identified difficulties in a satisfying and accessible way. Supporting you to trust that you all know what your family needs to do and that you can do it!


Practical information:

A consultation is a good way of figuring out how family work could help you. It encourages each individual to think about what they would like to be different and how family work could support them to make steps towards more satisfying interactions.

Often family work occurs over fortnightly.  Sessions are fifty-minutes in duration, with regular reviews occurring of the work.

Please do contact me to enquire, as each families circumstances will be unique and important to allow us to be explicit about your needs and goals.


 07309 784 599 

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